Reporter Casually Captures Terrifying Meteor Fireball Across Florida Sky During Facebook Live
Florida reporter Jay O’Brien set out to do a Facebook Live on Monday night to tell viewers about a senior housing complex that lost power. His footage turned out to be significantly more spectacular than expected. While meandering around the streets, the CBS12 reporter suddenly spotted an enormous fireball above him and exclaimed: “Oh my gosh, what is THAT in the sky? WHOA! OK. Big piece of flash in the sky just then. I don’t know if you saw that. Possibly a piece of space junk burning up in orbit? Sometimes they look like that. I’ll ask around and figure out what that was. That was startling.” The newsman then immediately regained his composure and said: “Let’s get back to the story at hand, which is this apartment complex.” It was later reported that the flash Floridians saw in the sky was a meteor that came unusually close to Earth.