JK Rowling Announces Never-Before-Seen Book to Help Out Bored Kids in Lockdown
Here’s some excellent news for kids in lockdown and parents desperately trying to keep them entertained. JK Rowling has announced that she will publish a never-before-seen children’s book online in a series of free installments. In a Twitter thread, Rowling said the book is titled The Ickabog and she described it as a fairy tale “about truth and the abuse of power” that she wrote over a decade ago. “I always meant to publish it, but after the last Potter was released I wrote two novels for adults and, after some dithering, decided to put those out next,” she said. Rowling added that she has finally decided to release it for free so “children on lockdown, or even those back at school during these strange, unsettling times, can read it or have it read to them.” The first chapter will be published Tuesday morning and more will follow every weekday until July 10.