
Keeping Up With The Kardashian Thieves: 17 Arrests


The chauffeur and a 72-year-old gangster are among those picked up. Break in the case came from DNA on dropped jewel-studded pin.

Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast

PARIS — Just days after Kim Kardashian was shown tearfully describing the terror she felt during a brazen armed robbery in Paris in October, on the other side of the Atlantic, French police nabbed 17 suspects allegedly involved with the audacious, multi-million dollar heist at an exclusive apartment-hotel in Paris's chic 8th Arrondissement.

"They're going to shoot me in the back, there's no way out," Kardashian is seen saying in a promotional clip for the upcoming season of her famed reality series set to air in March.

However, the traumatized reality television star may soon be able to breathe a sigh of relief.


According to police, on Monday a motley band of suspects were nabbed in the Paris region, as well as in Normandy and near the French Riviera. Those arrested included a 72-year-old gangster, several women, and a handful of others who were known to authorities. Also arrested was the reality star's chauffeur, but any credence given to the theory that the bold banditry was an inside job was promptly dismissed following news of the the driver's release on Wednesday morning.

Kardashian was alone at L’hôtel de Pourtalès, a celebrity haunt also known as “No Address France" due to its discreet nature and unadorned facade, when armed men stormed the residence at about 2:30 am on Oct. 3. After tying her up and dumping her in the bathtub, the armed robbers fled—some on foot, some on bicycles—with jewelry valued at approximately €9 million ($10 million), including a €4 million rock that she is believed to have flashed on Instagram in the days before the heist.

Kardashian's lawyer, Jean Veil, told L'Express that he welcomed the news and saluted the successful work of the police, calling the arrests "a nice surprise."

"On the one hand, this will perhaps allow for the recovery of the stolen items, and on the other, it will put an end to shameful speculations by some who claimed that this robbery was a publicity stunt by Madame Kardashian," he said.

Today the French press reported that police had announced that some €300,000 in cash had also been recovered in the raids. However, they have been unable to confirm whether the money was paid to the robbers in exchange for the stolen bling. According to The Guardian, French police have also been in touch with colleagues in neighboring Belgium, where they believe the robbers tried to get rid of the stolen jewels.

Ironically, it seems as if the lifted loot was also a crucial key in yesterday's arrests. As the attackers fled with Kardashian's jewels, one of the thieves toppled off his bicycle, dropping a bag carrying the jewels. In his haste to flee the scene, he left behind a diamond-studded pin that was discovered by a passerby who turned it over to police. The thief's DNA was taken from the pendant, helping authorities to nab the gang.

Kardashian may have to face her attackers once more. According to Veil, the reality star may be required to return to France to formally identify the brazen bandits.

“It might be necessary as part of the investigation, but it will be for the investigating judge to decide,” he told L’Express.

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