American billionaires
The ex-wife of Google’s Sergey Brin poured divorce money into Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign and became his running mate, with potentially cataclysmic consequences.
On Wednesday, a 26-year-old parking attendant accused in the abduction was ordered to stay away from 16-year-old Mint Butterfield.
Slack co-founder Stewart Butterfield’s 16-year-old kid was last seen on Sunday evening.
A U.S. tech billionaire allegedly hosted the naughty bash.
The plaintiff is seeking sanctions against Musk’s lawyer, who allegedly behaved “in the most obnoxious manner one could contemplate without crossing into parody.”
Abigail Disney and other very wealthy philanthropists say their peers are doing it wrong.
Cloudflare billionaire Matthew Prince is suing neighbors who tried to block the project, accusing their dogs of being aggressive.