gay marriage
Critical community members insisted that teaching LGBTQ history would impede on parental rights and promote a “leftist agenda.”
Republicans promised LGBTQ members like myself that marriage equality was a dead issue. I was naive to believe them.
The Respect for Marriage Act’s greatest strength is its narrowness. If more bills were written this way, there’d be more opportunities for aisle-crossing votes.
The tech billionaire has been making major contributions to his former employee for his U.S. Senate bid. He might be surprised by Masters’ view on Thiel’s own wedding.
In a post-Roe “new, new, new abnormal,” everything from contraception to same-sex marriage to interracial marriage may be up next on the chopping block.
It’s not just abortion. The logic of this draft decision would also apply to the decisions protecting same-sex marriage, contraception, and more.
“Opponents of marriage equality are failing against this rising tide of LGBTQ acceptance, but they’re still desperate to try,” says Barbara Simon, a spokesperson for GLAAD.