Jeremy Corbyn
“Overtime pay is for the middle class what the minimum wage is for the working class.”
The Labour party suffered its most pathetic defeat since 1935—and now the last thing any new Labour leader needs is the endorsement of Jeremy Corbyn.
Across the democracies of the developed world, right-wing ethno-culturalism is taking over everywhere and liberalism is struggling to find a good answer.
Boris Johnson won the Conservatives’ biggest majority since Margaret Thatcher as Britain demands an end to the Brexit uncertainty.
Whether the Tories win or Labour does, Scotland is pulling away from the rest of the U.K.
Experts say a leaked document trumpeted by British Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn may have been distributed by the Kremlin.
Royal briefings are making it clear the duke was fired—and the termination is permanent, as he prepares to speak to investigators about his ties to the dead American pedophile.