Joseph Gordon-Levitt
In the new Showtime series “Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber,” Gordon-Levitt embodies Uber CEO Travis Kalanick, a tech bro who viewed himself as a globe-shifting God.
In honor of its 20th anniversary, Amy Zimmerman looks back on the charming, strikingly feminist teen-movie classic.
The star of ‘The Walk’ and the upcoming ‘Snowden’ biopic opens up about ‘The Impossible Dream’ series on HitRecord and why technology must move beyond ‘selfishness.’
The Tumblrati lost their collective marbles when it was announced that the boy-faced, dimpled (500) Days of Summer star Joseph Gordon-Levitt got married.
The actor-entrepreneur opens up about his upcoming episode of “hitRECord on TV” that centers on the ‘feminist’ label and why self-identifying as a feminist is important to him.
If it wasn’t for the Oscar presenters, who else would open the golden envelope and entertain us with witty, usually awkward, banter?
From lip-synching on Fallon to his Lady Gaga cover, see Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s best musical performances.