Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) has finally responded to the reactions she has received for her fashion choices, such as the denim vest she wore to the Senate floor, or that classy “fuck off” ring she flashed on Instagram. In an interview with Politico that mostly focused on policy issues, she also took some time to respond to her fashion critics. (Some of whom work at The Daily Beast and have written about her choices.)
“It’s very inappropriate, Sinema told the site. “I wear what I want because I like it. It’s not a news story, and it’s no one’s business. It’s not helpful to have [coverage] be positive or negative. It also implies that somehow women are dressing for someone else.” (Men who work in public service are not immune to fashion scrutinization, of course—see: coverage of Donald Trump’s hair or Joe Biden’s Ralph Lauren suits.)
Despite her apparent disinterest in the topic of her work wardrobe, Sinema said more to Politico about her clothes than she did about her apparent coziness with the pharmaceutical industry and allegations that she is attempting to hold up the passage of Biden’s Build Back Better Plan.