Laura Ingraham: ‘Attempted Bribery’ Isn’t Listed as an Impeachable Offense in the Constitution
Fox News host Laura Ingraham defended President Trump on Thursday night by arguing that “attempted bribery isn’t in the Constitution” as an impeachable offense. Ingraham showed a clip of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi explicitly linking Trump’s demand for Ukraine to investigate his political rivals to withholding millions in military aid to the country. “I am saying that what the president has admitted to and said ‘It’s perfect,’ I say it’s perfectly wrong,” Pelosi said in the clip. “It’s bribery. Bribery. That is in the Constitution attached to the impeachment proceedings.” Ingraham then responded by listing off what is listed in the Constitution for impeachment, before she added, “Even assuming the Democrats’ strained and ridiculous interpretation of the facts—and I do not assume them—but just for the sake of their argument, attempted bribery is not in the Constitution. Remember, Ukraine got its military aid. It was 14 days delayed, big deal.” Ukraine’s military aid was actually delayed for 55 days.