
Limit Miranda Rights for Terrorists?


Holder considers updating ruling.

In light of the foiled Times Square bombing and revelations that terror networks are increasingly enlisting U.S. citizens, Attorney General Eric Holder is considering asking Congress to limit the constitutional rights afforded to terrorism suspects—including U.S. citizens. Necessary changes may include allowing more time before law-enforcement officials read terrorism suspects their Miranda rights to remain silent and secure legal representation, says Holder. He also hopes to update a "public safety exemption" made to the original 1966 Supreme Court Miranda ruling in 1984, in which police were given more liberty in questioning suspects before reading them their rights: The law does not clearly stipulate whether evidence obtained from that questioning can be used in court. "[That’s] one of the things that I think we're going to be reaching out to Congress to do,” said Holder. “To come up with a proposal that is both constitutional, but that is also relevant to our time and the threat that we now face."

Read it at the Associated Press