
MacGruber Gets Panned

Bombs Away

But LA Times offers five stars.

While the Los Angeles Times might be a fan of the mullet humor of Saturday Night Live’s latest skit-turned-movie MacGruber, most critics are panning this weekend’s release. The New York Post gave the film just a half star, saying, “There's a reason you've never seen the words ‘Will Forte’ topping the billing of a major motion picture.” The New York Daily News offered similar comments and a single star for MacGruber, saying it “feels like it was put together with gum, shoelaces, and a couple of sticky Twizzlers,” while the Hollywood Reporter called it “a jury-rigged contraption whose rubber bands-and-baking-soda construction is lucky to work once and then fall apart.” Still, however, the latest SNL flick earned five stars from the LA Times, who clearly found some humor in the clueless crime fighter’s full-length saga.

Read it at The Wall Street Journal