
Maddow: Rand Paul Plagiarized


From Wikipedia page of “Gattaca.”

Dear plagiarizers everywhere: you will be caught, and it will be embarrassing. Even if it is something as minor as talking about the 1997 science-fiction film Gattaca. MSNBC host Rachel Maddow accused Kentucky senator Rand Paul’s recent Virginia speech of being ripped off the Wikipedia page of the film Gattaca. Maddow found especially strange that Paul, rumored to be considering a run for president in 2016, could think that he was “going to get away from lifting your speeches from Wikipedia.” According to BuzzFeed, the page wasn’t edited between Paul’s appearance in Virginia and Maddow’s show—meaning that nobody could have changed the text to sabotage Paul. Of course, maybe Paul is giving a subtle hint—Joe Biden, after all, had his own plagiarizing scandal...

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