Rep. Greene Admits She Was Deluded—but Blames Everyone Else
‘9/11 Absolutely Happened’
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) wants you to know she’s sorry, but it’s not her fault she once endorsed the execution of Speaker Pelosi—it’s social media’s. In a speech on the House floor Thursday, she offered a half-hearted rebuke of her past support of conspiracy theories. “Throughout 2018, because I was upset about things and didn’t trust the government really... I was allowed to believe things that weren’t true,” Greene said. “School shootings are absolutely real... 9/11 absolutely happened.” She went on to describe the media as “just as guilty as QAnon as presenting lies that divide us.”
While House Republicans declined to discipline her Wednesday for her exhaustive history of supporting crackpot theories, the full chamber is expected to vote later Thursday on whether or not to strip her of her committee positions.