Report Suggests New Location Where Missing MH370 Could Be Found
A new report claims the final resting place of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 could be around 1,000 miles off the coast of Australia. The plane disappeared from radar with 239 passengers and crew on board on March 8, 2014, about 38 minutes after taking off from Kuala Lumpur. Efforts to locate the doomed aircraft have proved fruitless, but a report published Wednesday used amateur radio technology known as weak signal propagation reporter (WSPR) to pinpoint where the plane could be. When a plane flies through a WSPR link, it disturbs the signal, and these disturbances can be seen in records kept in a global database. British aerospace researcher Richard Godfrey and others used 125 such disturbances to track the plane to a spot around 970 miles west of Perth off Australia’s west coast. The researchers said their findings were consistent with other academic and industry analyses, though theirs positions the plane slightly further north of previous estimates.