Unmasked Hordes Went to South Dakota Wrestling Event. Guess What Happened.
Public health officials in Minnesota have traced COVID-19 cases in nine counties to a recent youth wresting tournament in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The event for Minnesota athletes was held in South Dakota because restrictions there were looser than in their home state. Some 2,000 wrestlers attended the March 31 to April 3 event, along with hundreds of spectators—and there were reports that mask-wearing and social distancing was spotty at best. “We know that Minnesotans desperately want to get back to doing the things we all love,” said Dr. Ruth Lynfield, state epidemiologist and medical director for MDH, according to the Argus Leader. “However, COVID-19 is spreading across Minnesota at a high rate.” Officials are now recommending anyone who attended the tournament get tested for COVID.