Much More Than a Blow-Dry: Women Reveal How They Really Feel About Their Hair
In ‘Hair Stories,’ photographer Rohina Hoffman explores the relationship women have with their hair, and allows them to explain their roots in their own words.
Neurologist-turned-photographer Rohina Hoffman knows the power of a hairdo.
At 7, her hair was chopped to a short “boy's haircut,” and she was devastated. “The trauma of losing control of my identity has stayed with me my entire life,” Hoffman writes in the introduction to her book, Hair Stories.
In photographing and interviewing dozens of women about their own experiences with their hair, Hoffman discovered the seemingly endless roles hair plays—as a cloak of comfort, a statement of creativity, a link to faith, or a badge of honor.
“The overall collective voice confirmed that hair is important and is best understood as a meaningful mirror of identity and often evolves, just as we do,” Hoffman wrote.
Here, you can hear women's stories about their connection to their hair—or lack thereof—in their own words.