
Netflix to Release Doc on Fake ‘Wellness Guru’ Who Claimed She Cured Her Cancer


Belle Gibson shot to fame with her story—until she was rumbled as a fantasist by a pair of journalists

Belle Gibson lied about brain cancer
Belle Gibson

The story of a “wellness guru” who claimed she cured herself of terminal brain cancer with a healthy diet and lifestyle in place of traditional medicine will be told in a new Netflix doc. Belle Gibson, or @healing_belle as she was known on Instagram, shot to fame with her story—until she was rumbled as a fantasist by a pair of journalists from The Age newspaper. After she was outed Gibson, now aged 33, blamed her web of sickening lies on a rough childhood. “No … None of it’s true,” she admitted, adding: “I don’t want forgiveness. I just think [speaking out] was the responsible thing to do.” That was back in 2015, now the serial liar be thrust back into the public eye as a damning new Netflix series about her story airs early next year, The Times reports. The series, called Apple Cider Vinegar, is based on a book by the journalists—Beau Donelly and Nick Toscano—who first exposed the Australian con artist.

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