
No Love for Holder


GOP prepares to grill AG pick.

Susan Walsh/AP

Senate Republicans are licking their chops as they prepare for confirmation hearings for Eric Holder, Barack Obama's attorney general pick. Though many have speculated that Holder's role in the pardoning of Marc Rich in the waning days of the Clinton administration would cause problems during his confirmation hearing, recent weeks have seen the stakes rise. Both Karl Rove and Sen. Mitch McConnell have singled out Holder as the appointee who will face the toughest questions. Sen. Arlen Specter said Holder would have a chance to dispel the appearance that he had "served the interest of his superiors" rather than listening to lawyers in the Justice Department. And Sen. Chuck Grassley submitted a public record request this week to Illinois officials to learn more about Holder's connections to disgraced Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Meanwhile, Politico reports that one prominent Republican is coming out in support of Holder. Former Sen. John Warner, who just stepped down after 30 years in the Senate, will appear on behalf of the nominee at Thursday's Judiciary Committee hearings.

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