Oregonians Fight for the Right to Discriminate
As the marriage-equality movement gains momentum in Oregon, opponents are figuring out new ways to push back. The Oregon Family Council has filed a counter-initiative to the marriage ballot that allows businesses that work with weddings, like florists, photographers, and caterers, to discrimination against same-sex couples in the event that marriage equality is passed. Under the proposed law, a person “acting in a nongovernmental capacity” could not be penalized for refusing to “solemnize, celebrate, participate in, facilitate, or support any same-sex marriage ceremony or its arrangements” if doing so “would violate a person’s deeply held religious beliefs.”
The Revolution Will Commence If Obama Doesn’t Resign By Black Friday
President Obama has until Black Friday to resign or else a group of conservative activists will stage “the second American revolution.” According to Larry Klayman, the founder of the activist group Freedom Watch, who is suing the Obama administration for the NSA’s surveillance program and emceed a protest in front of the White House Tuesday, the nonviolent revolution will take place in Philadelphia over the next few weeks and will involve electing a “government in waiting,” including a new president to replace Obama. “In the end [Obama] will feel the force of the American people, just like King George did,” Klayman told the approximately 100 people who attended Tuesday’s rally. Former Republican Rep. Bob Barr, who lead the successful effort to impeach Bill Clinton in the ‘90s, was there too. “We have a scoundrel living in that building,” he told the crowd, pointing to the White House. “And need to do something about it.”
If Gay Couples Have to Receive National Guard Benefits, No Couples Will Receive National Guard Benefits
Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin is so determined to deprive same-sex National Guardsmen and women of marriage benefits that she’s decided no married members of the National Guard, gay or straight, should be able receive spousal benefits. The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act resulted in gay, married service members becoming eligible for federal benefits. In an effort to resist this, Fallin is willing to get rid of benefits for everyone, effectively going out of her way to fulfill the anti-gay-marriage prophecy that letting same sex couples marry will ruin marriage for everyone else.
Texas Rep. Uses Bible As Guide for Foreign Policy Speech
Good old Louie Gohmert had himself a time on the House floor Wednesday, calling out the Obama administration on its Israel policy and using the Bible as his guide. Obama has pursued policies that are not in the Jewish state’s best interest, the Republican from Texas argued, pointing to Genesis 12 as evidence that encouraging Israel to sign an international Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is an act of betrayal. “There are many who have been aware of Scripture, and it has often been a guide in our relations to Israel,” Gohmert told his fellow U.S. Representatives. “Some of us believe that the Bible is accurate. Certainly, so many prophecies have been fulfilled, and if that is true, this administration, unless they can find a verse that accurately says that those who betray Israel will be blessed, then this country is being dug into a deeper hole by this administration, and its betrayals of Israel’s trust and Israel’s friendship.”