Severed Deer Heads Found Near Biden-Harris and BLM Signs in Oregon
Police in Lake Oswego, Oregon, are investigating after two instances in which severed deer heads were found in front of Biden-Harris and Black Lives Matter yard signs, local ABC affiliate Channel 9 reports. Authorities declined to say if they considered the acts as voter intimidation or a hate crime. Although one family where the heads were found declined to speak on camera, one of their daughters released a statement. “My mom did not even know the deer head was on our lawn until police came asking questions, but the threat is loud and clear,” she wrote, adding that “whoever did this is filled with deep-seated hatred & racism.” Their signs had been up for two weeks, the daughter said, and the family had put up a third sign when Channel 9 reported from the scene Sunday evening. “Nowhere in America is truly safe. Not even in the little ‘bubble’ I call home,” the daughter concluded.