Notorious pimp Dennis Hof, the self-proclaimed “Trump of Pahrump” who won a Republican primary for the Nevada state legislature Tuesday, is struggling to win over support from the GOP establishment. The star of the HBO adult reality-TV series Cathouse is being shunned by GOP top brass as he gets ready to run for an assembly seat in November. Sen. Dean Heller and Attorney General Adam Laxalt, the GOP’s gubernatorial nominee, have refused to give the famous brothel owner their backing. Laxalt “does not support Dennis Hof and will not be supporting him,” said his campaign manager. Incumbent Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval, who being forced out by term limits in November, and Wes Duncan, the GOP nominee for Laxalt’s job, have also refused to give their support. However, Michelle Fiore, former GOP state legislator and pro-gun activist, said: “We need more successful, independent businessmen in the Nevada legislature. I’m supporting Dennis Hof 1,000 percent.”
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