Back in the pre-Internet days, if you wanted to land an agent and a book deal you had two choices: spend a million dollars on postage cold-querying agents, or get an MFA. These days, all you need is a great pitch and a Twitter account.
And—oh, right—a book.
Instead of spending a bunch of money and two years of your life learning to write like Raymond Carver (because, honestly, that’s 90% of what an MFA program will teach you), get all the craft lessons you need—and then some—from these nuts-and-bolts guides.
Scouted is here to share practical, entertaining, and sometimes unexpected ideas for products that you might like. ICYMI, here are a few things we recently surfaced for you: board games, fitness products, and projectors. Please note that if you buy something featured in one of our posts, The Daily Beast may collect a share of sales.