During his latest “A Closer Look” segment Thursday night, Seth Meyers took a detour from breaking down new developments in the Russia investigation to check in on his old friend Rudy Giuliani.
The Late Night host noted that as Donald Trump’s lawyer, Giuliani tried to argue this week that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s sentencing memo for Michael Flynn was actually good news for the president. “Although I really can’t follow his logic or his syntax,” Meyers said, pointing to an incoherent text message Giuliani sent to a Politico reporter this week.
“Wow big crime for a SPECIAL WHATEVER,” Giuliani wrote, “maybe a group of Angry Bitter Hillary Supporters who are justifying themselves by the goal justifies the means,” adding, “Over the top In ethical behavior.”
“Does Giuliani’s iPhone have auto-incorrect?” Meyers asked. “I have no idea what that means. It’s like when your grandpa uses the voice-to-text feature while he’s driving.”
“Of course,” the host added, “Rudy isn’t just bad at phones, he’s also terrible at Twitter.” Because of a stray typo in a tweet he posted just after Trump left the G20, Giuliani inadvertently created a link that a prankster subsequently bought and redirected to a page that reads, “Donald J. Trump is a traitor to our country.”
None of this seemed to compute for Giuliani who, when he discovered the link and its destination, accused Twitter of allowing someone to “invade” the text of his tweet “with a disgusting anti-President message.”
“So basically, ya burnt,” Meyers said. “But in reality, we burnt because the same grandpa vampire who wrote that tweet was named cybersecurity adviser to Trump in 2017, which is like putting the Hamburglar in charge of security at the ground beef factory.”