Snapchat’s My AI feature seemed to go rogue Tuesday night, strangely posting a live update to its story and ignoring messages from users. Many users freaked out when they noticed the AI, a tool powered by ChatGPT, uploaded a video of what appeared to be a wall and ceiling to its story. Typically, Snapchat’s bot offers recommendations, answers questions, and engages in conversations with users—but posting to its story, or refusing to respond at all, was way out of line for the AI. One Twitter user, @03imrann, shared the bizarre video, captioning it “WTF MY SNAPCHAT AI JUST POSTED A STORY WHAT DOES THIS MEAN.” The user also tweeted messages that they sent to the AI in which the bot showed it was typing, but never actually responded. Turns out, however, the AI didn’t suddenly develop a mind of its own. A Snapchat spokesperson told CNN that it was a glitch that was resolved after “a temporary outage.”
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