Snoop Dogg Earning ‘Half-Million Dollars a Day’ as NBC Reporter at Paris Olympics
He must be the best-paid Olympic reporter ever. Snoop Dogg is reportedly getting a cool half-million dollars a day for his work as NBC’s special correspondent at the Paris Olympics. Snoop has been popping up all over town over the past couple of weeks, giving his own unique running commentary on the 2024 Games. He ran in the torch relay. He danced with the gymnastics team. He even dressed up as an equestrian, alongside pal Martha Stewart, for a trip to the dressage. According to New York venture capitalist Brian McNamara, he’s getting well paid for it. “Sat next to an NBC exec at dinner, he said Snoop gets paid $500k a day plus expenses to be here promoting Olympics,” McNamara tweeted. “From Gin and Juice to a few million to be a celebrity at the Olympics—what a world”