Considering the handful of long distance relationships, the whole of my extended family living overseas, and each segment of my nuclear family living in a different state, I’m confident saying distance sucks. And I’m also very surprised these in-sync lamps haven’t been around longer — they’re a great idea.
The Long Distance Friendship Lamp syncs with others like it. Touch your lamp to light it and the same light will emit in the other lamp, no matter how far it is (state or ocean). Each time you touch the American-made lamp, a different light shows, ranging through a rainbow.
“[I] got these for my 8 year old daughter, and 67 year old mom,” one Redditor said on an online thread. “It’s the ‘I’m thinking about you’ lamp. It works in real time.”
This would have been a welcome device to use in relationships past or with my grandparents, but I think now I’d grab a pair of these lamps to complement the way I communicate with my mom.
“[I] got one of these for each of our family's six family units spread from Connecticut to Tennessee to South Dakota,” a reviewer of the product wrote in its comments. “Works great, and I love watching it light up when someone else gets home, or wakes up, or just wants to say hi!”
Whether or not you feel compelled to call your own parents or loved ones after reading this, consider buying the lot of you something really special today.
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