Several tech companies—including Discord, YouTube, and Steam—have taken steps to remove Atomwaffen from their respective platforms after reports surfaced linking the neo-Nazi group to multiple murders. YouTube banned the group and deleted their two channels after a Daily Beast report revealed the group's continued presence on the site. Steam, a gaming platform, removed Atomwaffen after a Motherboard report discovered the group had been participating in a community discussion board. Atomwaffen also used Discord, a chat platform designed for gamers, to “disseminate confidential information and make organizational plans” and “revel” in the murders linked to their group. After ProPublica published more than 250,000 Atomwaffen messages posted on the platform, Discord swiftly shut down the group’s server. Inktale, a custom T-shirt seller, and Cloudflare, which provided anti-hacking protection to both of Atomwaffen's sites, have also distanced themselves from the group.
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