Ted Cruz Still Supports Right-Wing Group That ‘Understood’ El Paso Walmart Massacre
Over the years, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has maintained his support for a right-wing group, now known as the “True Texas Project,” that’s repelled other conservative officials with its nativist rhetoric, The Washington Post reports. Previously known as the Northeast Tarrant Tea Party, the conservative group has advocated for many Trumpian policies, including building a wall along the Mexico border, and has used nativist and extremist rhetoric that has caused some GOP officials to rescind their support. The group’s Facebook page is flooded with racist posts, including one that reads, “Why are NFL players wearing names of felons & rapists on their helmets when they already have them on their jerseys?” “We can love black people all day long. . . and that will not stop them looting and destroying and feeling justified in doing so,” another post by the group’s founder, Julie McCarty, reads. Despite all of this, Cruz has openly thanked the leader of TTP for her “incredible leadership” and maintained ties to the group. Ted Cruz’s spokesperson maintained that he “is unequivocal in his denunciation of any form of racism, hatred, or bigotry.”