The devastating Mississippi tornado that took the lives of a reported 25 people, including three members of the same family, one just a teenager. Helen Munford, 54, her husband Danny, 51, and their 14-year-old son JaDarrion Murphy were killed in the deadly tornado, their mobile home torn apart. Surviving relative Dede Duren told the Clarion Ledger that the tornado sounded like a “train barreling through our front yard.” Munford had five older children who survived the tornado, as well as JaDarrion’s twin brother, LaDarrion, who was taken to the hospital with injuries, according to Duren. In the wake of the tragedy, Duren said she and residents of the area, including at least 20 other relatives, have battled both grief and solace for having survived. “Mrs. Munford was loved by everybody,” Duren said. “But this family is going to have to stick together. We're just left with the memories of them that we'll have to take with us and try to live day-by-day like she'd want us to do.”
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