The Kardashians are back and more boring than ever. The family’s Hulu series is gearing up to launch Season 3 May 25, the streamer mustering up a whopping 45 seconds of the season’s greatest hits for the latest trailer. And if it’s any indication of the quality, this season is sure to disappoint, once again. “I wish I could tell you this is gonna be a mild, relaxing, serene season. It’s not,” Khloé Kardashian says early in the trailer, followed by zero clips that supplement her claim. With snippets of some minor familial kerfuffles, a clip of Kim Kardashian in the recording studio, and even a shot of Khloé putting on a face cream, the trailer makes a good case if you’re in need of a new white noise TV show. Looks like Khloé might get her wish, after all.
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