The British government was thrown into chaos Wednesday morning after it was confirmed the prime minister will face a no-confidence vote. The leadership challenge was instigated after 48 lawmakers from Theresa May’s own Conservative party issued letters of no confidence to officials. The vote will take place Wednesday. Lawmakers have expressed their fury at the deal May struck with the European Union on the U.K.’s exit from the bloc, with fears that it would leave the country bound by EU rules but with no influence over them. She canceled a vote Tuesday on the deal because it faced certain defeat. Conservative members of parliament will vote between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m local time (1 p.m. to 3 p.m. ET). May has been prime minister since shortly after the U.K. voted to leave the EU in 2016. If she loses the vote, the Conservative party will put forward at least one candidate to become the new prime minister. Speaking outside 10 Downing Street Wednesday morning, May vowed to fight the no confidence vote with “everything I’ve got” and said a leadership challenge now would risk delaying or even canceling Brexit.
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