With the president officially “implicated in a criminal conspiracy,” The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah examined on Thursday night how members of Trump’s party have been reacting to the newest developments. What he found wasn’t great.
“Most people agree that this looks really bad for President Trump,” the host said. “But according to many top Republicans, no it doesn’t!”
Noah first zeroed in on recent comments from Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), who essentially said presidents should get a pass on campaign finance violations. “Did he just say that upholding the law will turn America into a banana republic?” the host asked. “This is mind-blowing. How are lawmakers going on TV complaining about the law when they make the law?”
“Seriously, his argument is that politicians shouldn’t be held accountable for campaign finance-violation laws,” he added. “But if campaign finance laws aren’t for politicians, then who the fuck are they for?”
Next, Noah moved on to even more disturbing comments from outgoing GOP Senator Orrin Hatch, who said he doesn’t “care” about Trump’s crimes because he’s “doing a good job as president.”
“Really? You think he’s doing a good job as president?” Noah asked. “Orrin Hatch, you need to get your imaginary glasses checked, my friend.” He added, “And also, doing a good job doesn’t absolve you of previous crimes.”
Noah said he can “understand the Republicans’ desire to protect their party’s president,” but what baffled him is how they have turned their backs on “what they said the Republican Party stood for in the first place: law and order.”
After playing a montage of Mike Pence, Paul Ryan and finally Donald Trump himself stressing that “no one is above the law,” Noah concluded, “That’s right, folks, I am the law and order president. As in I will break the law in order to become president.”