Trump Suggests NY Should Drop Lawsuits if It Wants Expedited-Traveler Programs Reinstated
Ahead of President Trump’s reported meeting with New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Thursday, the president suggested that his former home state should drop unspecified lawsuits if it wants to have its expedited-traveler programs reinstated. Cuomo and Trump are expected to meet to discuss the federal ban on New Yorkers applying for programs that allow them to avoid long security lines at airports. The Department of Homeland Security announced last week that it would suspend New Yorkers’ ability to enroll in Global Entry and Trusted Traveler programs in response to the state’s Green Light Law that allows undocumented immigrants to get driver’s licenses. New York said it would sue DHS over the freeze, with Cuomo claiming it was punishment for an immigration-related law that is “in the state interest to keep our people safe.”
Trump tweeted on Thursday that Cuomo “must understand that National Security far exceeds politics.” “New York must stop all of its unnecessary lawsuits & harassment, start cleaning itself up, and lowering taxes. Build relationships, but don’t bring Fredo!” he added, referring to the governor’s brother, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo. Fredo is an insult Trump reportedly uses to call someone weak, referring to Fredo Corleone’s character in the movie The Godfather.