Four people were killed and others were injured after Russian drones hit a civilian building in Ukraine on Tuesday night, according to reports. The State Emergency Service of Ukraine said the attack in Rzhyshchiv, Kyiv region, hit “the 4th and 5th floors of two five-story dormitories and a three-story educational building of a professional lyceum were partially destroyed.” In a video circulating on social media purportedly showing the strike, an engine can be heard whirring overhead before a fiery explosion erupts at the top of a building. On Wednesday morning, Ukraine’s state broadcaster Suspilne wrote on its Telegram channel that the death toll had risen to four, according to the head of the local police. “The body of a 40-year-old man was recovered from the fifth floor of one of the dormitories damaged by drones,” the report added. It also carried an interview with a local teacher named Tetiana, who said “that the children and one of the commandants went to the shelter at the beginning of the air raid. They were not in the dormitory building at the time of the attack.” Earlier, Suspilne said one of the dead was an ambulance driver who responded to the attack. “Seven more, including a child, were hospitalized,” the outlet added.
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