Virginia GOP Guv Candidate Admits: I Stay Quiet on Abortion So I Don’t Lose Votes
Politicians often keep their personal views on hot-button issues to themselves to increase their chances of winning. They don’t often say they do that out loud. Former businessman Glenn Youngkin, a Republican running for Virginia governor, was caught on video telling a “supporter” that he couldn't speak about his views on abortion for fear of losing independent votes. The supporter was actually Lauren Windsor, a liberal activist who runs an online web series. When she asked whether he hoped to introduce a fetal heartbeat bill, Youngkin proceeded to talk about his plans before stopping himself. “I’m going to be really honest with you. The short answer is in this campaign, I can’t,” he said, according to a video obtained by the American Independent. “When I’m governor and I have a majority in the House we can start going on offense. But as a campaign topic, sadly, that... won’t win my independent votes that I have to get.”
Youngkin’s campaign said the video is an indication he won’t wade into sensitive topics, though Terry McAuliffe, his Democratic opponent, said it’s a sign of being two-faced.