
Wilson Hid With Family, Wore Disguises


Lawyers reveal details of his life in hiding.

The lawyers for Darren Wilson have shared details about how the former Ferguson officer lived a life in hiding when his home address started circulating on the web ten days after he killed Michael Brown. Wilson was in the middle of mowing his lawn on August 19 when he got a call telling him his address was made public. He moved in with a relative with a different last name, his lawyers said, and proceeded to move from house to house. When he went out in public, Wilson used “certain [disguise] tricks” he learned as a cop, according to one of his lawyers, Neil Bruntrager. His lawyers advised him never to speak to the public, using George Zimmerman as a model for what not to do. “[Zimmerman] is an idiot, Darren was not,” said another one of his lawyers, James Towey. “Any criminal defense lawyer that has half a brain says, ‘Shut up, don’t say a word.’”

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