
Witnesses: Mike Brown Charged at Wilson


Cop explains why he shot teen.

St. Louis County Prosecutor's Office, via Reuters

Several black eyewitnesses to the confrontation between Darren Wilson and Michael Brown told a grand jury in St. Louis that the teenager turned and charged at the police officer before he was fatally shot. St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch said in his summary of testimony that the witnesses, physical evidence, and three autopsies support Wilson’s narrative that he killed Brown in self-defense.

Wilson said he told Brown to get on the ground, but “he looked at me, he made like a grunting, like aggravated sound and he starts, he turns and he’s coming back towards me,” he told the grand jury in September.

“He was almost bulking up to run through the shots, like it was making him mad that I’m shooting him. And the face that he had was looking straight through me, like I wasn’t even there, I wasn’t even anything in his way.”


Finally, Wilson shot Brown in the head.

“When it went into him,” Wilson said, “the demeanor on his face went blank, the aggression was gone, it was gone, I mean I knew he stopped, the threat was stopped.”

Read it at The New York Times