Woman Who Says She Dated Much-Older Roy Moore Is ‘Saddened’ He Denies Knowing Her
Three women testified in court Thursday morning that former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore asked them on dates when they were teenagers and he was in his thirties. The defamation suit had been brought against Moore, a 74-year-old failed Senate candidate, by a fourth woman, Leigh Corfman, who has accused him of molesting her when she was 14. She alleges Moore then defamed her by calling her a liar. The trio of witnesses who spoke Thursday all said they were approached by Moore around the same time Corfman alleged her sexual assault occurred. Gloria Deason and Debbie Gibson testified that they went on several dates with Moore. Wendy Miller asked her mom for permission after Moore asked her out, but was forbidden to see him. The three women did not allege any wrongdoing but Moore repeatedly denied knowing them. Gibson, who provided evidence that Moore attended her high-school graduation at her invitation, said she was a “little shocked and saddened” and “disheartened” that Moore denied knowing her.