Filmmaker Woody Allen, who has been accused of sexually abusing his adopted daughter, received a warm response from Venice Film Festival-goers on Monday for his new film, Coup de Chance, after protests took place outside. The picture is his first in three years, a significant gap for the director. That pause came after allegations by his adoptive daughter Dylan Farrow, who claimed he molested her as a child. Allen has denied the claims. The movie received a five-minute standing ovation, according to Deadline, before a group of approximately 20 protesters marched past the red carpet as Allen arrived. Protesters outside the Venice Film Festival referenced allegations against Allen and other directors, chanting other slogans like “no spotlight for rapist directors.” When asked about cancel culture, according to Deadline, Allen replied: “I just find that all so silly. I don’t think about it. I don’t know what it means to be canceled. I know that over the years everything has been the same for me.”
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