
World’s Biggest Starbucks Coming to NYC


The chain says its biggest store ever will feature ‘coffee as theater.’

Leon Neal/AFP/Getty

Starbucks has always been weird about what it calls coffee sizes, so let’s just say one store it’s planning is even bigger than “venti.”

The ubiquitous coffee chain has chosen New York City—logically—for the location of its largest café ever, which is set to clock in at 20,000 square feet.

The store is expected to open in 2018, and will feature more than just overpriced coffee. The super-Starbucks is meant to be more like the coffee-equivalent of a winery, offering demonstrations of the roasting and blending process. It will also sell higher-end beverages thanyour average green and white cafe.

Whether it will manage to spell your name right on a cup, however, remains to be seen.

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