Playwright Israel Horovitz has resigned from the Gloucester Stage Company after nine woman accused him of rape and sexual assault, The New York Times reported Thursday. Several of the women were teenagers when Horovitz allegedly assaulted them. Jocelyn Meinhardt said she was 19 and working at Horovitz’s Gloucester Stage Company in Massachusetts in 1989 when he drove her back to his house and raped her. Another woman was 16 in 1991 and working for Horovitz as an au pair when he allegedly groped her and put her hand on his erect penis. Horovitz said he has “a different memory of some of these events,” and said he apologizes “with all my heart to any woman who has ever felt compromised by my actions, and to my family and friends who have put their trust in me.” Horovitz's son, Adam Horovitz, best known as Ad-Rock of the Beastie Boys, said, “I believe the allegations against my father are true, and I stand behind the women that made them.”
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