Erica Garner, an activist fighting for police reforms after her father, Eric Garner, died in police custody, passed away Saturday morning after suffering cardiac arrest last week. She was 27. Her family confirmed the news on Garner’s official Twitter account, saying the young activist “died with no justice.” “When you report this you remember she was human: mother, daughter, sister, aunt,” the family said in a statement. Garner had been in a hospital fighting for her life for the past week after a massive heart attack reportedly left her suffering brain damage. Her grandmother, Esaw Snipes, told the New York Daily News on Saturday that her granddaughter was a “warrior” who “left on her own terms.” Garner became a driving force behind protests against police brutality after her father’s death in 2013. He died after being placed in a now-banned police chokehold, and his final plea to police officers—“I can’t breathe!”—became a rallying cry for the Black Lives Matter movement.
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