Ronaiah Tuiasosopo may come clean about his role in the bizarre hoax involving Manti Te’o, Tuiasosopo’s uncle said Sunday. Tuiasosopo has been accused of being the mastermind behind the hoax involving Te’o’s fake girlfriend, with whom Te’o had an online relationship. Te’o said his girlfriend had died, but a Deadspin investigation last week found that the woman, Lennay Kekua, never existed. Te’o has maintained that he was duped, presumably by Tuiasosopo, who is a classmate of the woman whose pictures were used as Lennay Kekua. Te’o’s family had claimed that the quarterback met Kekua, and Te’o’s mother allegedly tried to convert the fake Kekua to Mormonism via text. Te’o and his parents will be interviewed by Katie Couric in an episode that will air on Thursday.
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