Ace Atkins, the novelist who kept Robert Parker’s Spenser series going, takes exception to those who argue that Banville should not be writing a new book featuring the adventures of Raymond Chandler’s legendary private eye Philip Marlowe.
Ace Atkins is the author of eleven novels, including Robert B. Parker's Lullaby and The Lost Ones, both out from G.P. Putnam’s Sons. A former journalist who cut his teeth as a crime reporter in the newsroom of The Tampa Tribune, he published his first novel, Crossroad Blues, at 27 and became a full-time novelist at 30. In 2011, he was selected by the Robert B. Parker estate to continue the bestselling adventures of Boston’s iconic private eye, Spenser. Ace lives on a historic farm outside Oxford, Mississippi with his family. Lately, he’s also been spending a lot of time in Boston, much of it at the corner of Berkeley and Boylston.