Daniel Klaidman is the national political correspondent for Newsweek and The Daily Beast and the author of Kill or Capture: The War on Terror and the Soul of the Obama Presidency.

Working Vacation

Before he left for Hawaii, the president was sending signals that government surveillance programs need an overhaul to restore the public’s faith on issues of national security.

Tightening the Reins

Obama told his blue-ribbon panel on reforming the government’s domestic spying program that he didn’t want them to pull their punches. He got what he asked for and a good bit more.

Walking a Tightrope

Caroline Krass, Obama’s nominee for top CIA lawyer, weathered tough questions from senators convinced the agency is stonewalling on its torture policies.

Hot Seat

Caroline Krass’s Senate confirmation hearing for the job of CIA general counsel is really a proxy battle for the Senate’s fight with the agency over torture.

Play by Play

Persistent hard work on Capitol Hill and a new push from the White House are moving the shuttering of Guantanamo a lot closer to reality.

Terms of Withdrawal

The former commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan is encouraged by the terms of a security-pact agreement governing the withdrawal of U.S. troops.

Seeking Accountability

Pakistan’s waffling on the number of civilians killed in U.S. drone strikes underscores the need for more transparency.


Twenty years later, the battle still echoes in America’s top policy circles. As the U.S. sets foot in Somalia again, men who fought in 1993 tell Daniel Klaidman what still haunts them.