The traditional bellwether state is ready for the limelight again—but people are getting more scared by the day of actually going to the polls.
Daniel McGraw is a freelance writer living in Lakewood, Ohio.
Cities and communities staggering from the opioid crisis want to force pharmaceutical companies to help clean up the drug addiction mess.
Police threaten a counterprotest in response to players taking a knee. Black officers say the police union president ignores them and the community while he plays mini-Trump.
The experts who found the lifespan of older white males was shrinking say ‘deaths of despair’ aren’t all accidental.
The Obamacare repeal will slash Medicaid and force states to take money from some groups to give to others. Experts say it will harm Trump’s own base.
Erin Potter has a pre-existing condition—because she's not dead. The Affordable Care Act helped her beat leukemia. The GOP just voted to gut her future.
The city’s murder rate was the highest in a decade last year, so no one is sleeping easier after Steve Stephens ended his life outside a McDonalds on Tuesday.
The self-described ‘monster’ was ‘not normal’ even as a child, according to someone who grew up around him. Across town, a family heard the shot that rang across social media.