The gun lobby and big-game hunters are teaming up to get the bears off the endangered species list. But that's just a first step toward stealing public land.
Author Doug Peacock has been writing about and defending grizzly bears for the past four decades. He lives just north of Yellowstone National Park. Read his latest at
The late, great author was generous with his time, his money, his talent, and his friendship. He made life better. He cannot be replaced.
A government proposal to remove the grizzly bear from the list of endangered species would surely condemn the species to almost certain slaughter.
Federal officials defied their own rules in killing the mother bear behind this month’s Yellowstone tragedy. The lives of the endangered species are about to get even cheaper.
Yellowstone grizzly bears face the two greatest threats to their survival in our lifetime: global warming and the U.S. government. Between them they could wipe the bears out.
How one bureaucrat’s climate denial overruled wildlife scientists and put the Northern Rockies species on the road to extinction.
On the even of the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act, conservative congressmen, theorists, and even Outside magazine seem eager to destroy what’s left of the wild in America.
A month after tangling with Cliven Bundy, the BLM confronts a Utah county commissioner planning an ATV rally in a canyon full of archeological significance.
At last, archeologists have resolved the debate over the first Americans (hint: they walked). Then they screwed up a perfectly good answer to an ancient puzzle.