The night of the horror in Orlando, I was at a party where older and younger revelers had very different ideas about what we were celebrating.
V. Gene Robinson, the recently retired Episcopal bishop of New Hampshire, was the church’s first openly gay priest to be elected and consecrated a bishop. He is a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C. Follow him on Twitter @BishopGRobinson.
An appalling federal bill would enshrine the right to discriminate as long as the person doing it really, sincerely wants to do it.
Bathroom-obsessed conservatives may have targeted transgender people with HB 2, but they also hurt other minorities.
The Vatican is reportedly upset that Bishop Gene Robinson will be at the White House to greet the Pope. In an open letter, Robinson explains why they shouldn’t be.
Gene Robinson received death threats when he became the first openly gay Episcopalian bishop. Twelve years later, his church is performing gay weddings. That’s progress.
Why we should all give thanks to ACT UP! founder and civil rights icon Larry Kramer.
The infant son of a male gay couple will receive the sacrament, the local bishop has ruled. But why was it even controversial to begin with?
Conservatives can’t stop gay marriage. But they can stop laws that prevent discrimination. And in Indiana and elsewhere, they’re succeeding.
Suddenly, the Kansas governor has rescinded an order that protects LGBT workers from discrimination. What’s the matter with Kansas indeed.
In another extraordinary break with recent conservative orthodoxy, Pope Francis clears the leftist Salvadoran archbishop for sainthood. Wow.