Jonah Edelman is the co-founder and CEO of Stand for Children. Founded in 1996, Stand for Children is a national education advocacy organization focused on ensuring all children graduate from high school prepared for, and with access to, a college education. Born and raised in Washington, DC, Jonah lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife and twin 9 year-old sons, who attend public school.
Ignore the left- and right-wing noise machines: the new tests being introduced to kids across the country are valuable.
The Ohio governor just took a bold stand against Tea Party hysteria about education standards. Call him the anti-Jindal.
Congress is attempting to pass the buck on federal funding for education. The results would be disastrous.
It’s called “undermatching”—when super-smart poor kids could get into elite schools but are afraid to apply. And it’s a problem we can fix.
We’re spending way too much time focusing on who is ‘winning’ and ‘losing’ debates over education, and not enough on implementing proven solutions.