Elon Musk is seen as a supervillain for using $44 billion of his own money to buy Twitter, but Sam Bankman-Fried is treated with kid gloves for losing billions belonging to others.
Mary Katharine Ham is a CNN Commentator, author, and Virginia parent of three.
With more evidence that prolonged school closures devastated kids’ educations, some people don’t want to talk about it—while others don’t even want to admit it was a mistake.
It’s just the latest episode of “Something Must Be Done—So We’re Doing This.”
They oversaw the biggest destabilization of public schools in a generation. Now teachers unions are blaming everyone else for parents wanting better options.
Gun-control advocates need to face facts. The only way to make the U.S. “more like Canada” is to change the Constitution.
The Ohio Democrat faced accusations of bigotry for his forceful criticisms of the Chinese Communist Party. But criticizing a dictatorship is not an attack on people.
Joe Biden was supposed to revive normalcy, empathy, and truth—but his administration pushes smugness, deception, and deflection.
Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo hasn’t learned a damn thing from his stunning fall from grace.
Pro-mask mandate hawks won’t admit there are legitimate costs and questionable benefits to masking grade schoolers indefinitely.